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Today FOS celebrates International Women’s Day.

On this special day, FOS reaffirms its longstanding commitment to honoring, supporting, and engaging in women’s accomplishments in all areas of life.

FOS’s commitment is confirmed by the fact that half of our staff and attorneys are women, who are of incredible value to our firm. Shown above are FOS’s female attorneys and legal support professionals.

As our clients know, every FOS attorney and staff member is a highly qualified individual, providing and helping the firm provide top-notch legal services for our clients.

At FOS, women are celebrated not just on this special day, but every day.


Women of FOS from left to right – Beth Sanders, Lauren Maddente, Karen Nimz, Laurna Kinnel, Diane Slomowitz, Meghan Burns, Jamie Barwin, Valeria Paredes, Kristina Frkovic